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Commercial Mortgage News

Latest Commercial Mortgage Broker news, trends and industry information helping you to identify new financing and business opportunities.

Commercial Mortgage Lenders become more competitive

Commercial mortgage lenders origination in 2010 was up significantly from 2009 despite the national recession that began in the U.S. in late 2007.  Recently commercial mortgage lenders have become more competitive, albeit more conservative than in the go-go days.  Until the real estate finance markets finds its footing, private ‘hard money’ lenders are able to...
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Hard Money Commercial Loan

Quick Close Second Mortgage Financial Compound arranged a $400,000 quick close hard money commercial loan on the borrower’s primary residence. This business finance loan was structured to take the borrower out of Chapter 11.  He filed for personal bankruptcy as a result embezellment and stolen funds from his business by one of his employees, which did not come...
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commercial mortgage broker

Commercial Mortgage Broker arranges Cutting Edge Land Loan for Acquisition and Entitlement

Commercial Mortgage Broker arranges Cutting Edge Land Loan Commercial mortgage broker Financial Compound arranged a $20 million land loan for acquisition and entitlement for 4,000 acres of land in southern California.  The borrower intends to divide this raw land into approximately 450 home sites and a large commercial pad for a hotel, and views this...
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Commercial Construction Loan Financing for Shopping Center

Financial Compound arranged a $5 million, 100% of cost construction financing for a 30,000 sf shopping center.  The proposed “High Image Street Frontage” center is located near a major Interstate offramp, and the surrounding area is densely populated and home to numerous big box retailers.  At the time of construction financing the property was 50%...
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Pi day celebrated 3/15

Financial Compound celebrates Pi day on March 15, 2010, the closest business day to Pi day, 3/14.  We serve pie, the traditional food for pi day. Pi is an irrational number 3.14159… with digits continuing forever and never repeating a pattern.  One cannot point to pi on the number line.  We can point to a...
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MBA’s CREF Convention & Expo 2010

Financial Compound is pleased to be a sponsor of MBA’s CREF Convention & Expo 2010February 1-4 2010 inLas Vegas, Nevada The MBA CREF convention servers as an important clearing house of information for people in the commercial real estate finance business.  The CREF convention is widely attended by industry leaders and experts in all aspects...
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High Leveraged Fixed Rate Financing For Apartments

Financial Compound arranged approximately $18 million in long-term fixed rate financing, representing 100% of the purchase price, for the acquisition of two transitional apartment complexes with a combined 200 units in Los Angeles, CA for an experienced local apartment operator.  The business plan for the properties is to perform capital upgrades (approximately $4,000 per unit) and...
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Current Commercial Mortgage Interest Rates

Most commercial mortgage rates are determined as spreads over various indices, even when the lender quotes the rate without the spread. See current commercial mortgage rates indices Typically spreads on commercial mortgage loans increase when the Fed increases the discount rate.  However numerous other factors affect commercial mortgage spreads, which in turn determines many commercial...
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IMN’s Winter Forum on Real Estate Opportunity & Private Fund Investing

IMN Winter Forum Financial Compound will be participating in the Seventh Annual Winter Forum on Real Estate Opportunity and Private Fund investing to be held at the Montage Hotel in Laguna Beach, CA from January 13th 2010 through January 15th. January 14, 2010 at 12:00pm: “Traditional Lenders Perspective- Doing Business in 2010.  Working with the...
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Commercial Bridge Loan for Shopping Center in the Midwest

Commercial Bridge Loan Our client was foreclosed on this property and had a right of redemption to buy back their 65% occupied property for approximately $9,000,000, a price equivalent to their former outstanding loan balance. Financial Compound put this all-in-cost acquisition loan into application with a hard money lender 12 days before the borrower’s right...
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High Leverage Land Acquisition Loan

Land Loans High leverage land acquisition loan for a retail site in Arizona Financial Compound arranged a $1.5 million land acquisition loan for a 4 acre retail site.  The borrower intends to complete the entitlement process with the city and build a 20,000 square foot retail center on the site. The purchase price for the...
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Cutting Edge Fixed Rate Financing for Mixed Use Retail and Office

Mixed-Use Retail and Office Financial Compound arranged an approximate $14 million 80% of purchase price, acquisition loan for the purchase of a  leasehold interest in a high-end mixed-use retail/office center in a prime location in southern California.  Two floors of restaurants and retail space sit below a floor of office space.  The loan contemplates an...
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